Eden Method
eden energy medicine
Energy the language of your body.
You are looking for ways to reduce stress, improve your energy flow and bring creativity, inner peace and joy back into your live. A holistic way to achieve your goal is Energy Medicine.
Die Energien deines Körpers sind so einzigartig wie dein FingerabdruckThe energies of your body are as unique as your fingerprint.
What is “Eden Energy Medicine”?
Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) is a holistic medical teaching that combines ancient traditional healing methods with modern ones. It uses elements from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), meridians, acupressure, the Celtic network, chakras, aura, etc., so that weakened, disturbed or unbalanced energies can be restored and can heal your body.
To enable optimal functioning, energy medicine is used both for illnesses and for preventive health care.
Eden Method
Is a method without dangerous side effects and is an enriching complement to conventional medicine. Your self-healing powers are activated.
Daily 5-Minutes
Learn the daily five-minute energy program to keep you dynamic, alive and energized. Link to Video
The techniques are easy to learn and are used for health prophylaxis, such as strengthening the immune system or influencing hormones.
The right thing for you?
How does energy medicine work?
Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) offers many exercises and techniques to bring your subtle body energies into harmony. They are easy to learn and apply and are used for health prevention, such as:
- Reprogram deep-seated energy patterns in the body and mind
- release toxins from the tissues
- strengthen the immune system
- influence hormones
- treat pain or recharge the
- “recharge “batteries
Are individual sessions suitable for you?
Through energy balancing, psychosomatic ailments can disappear and well-being sets in. It can be used helpfully for a variety of complaints as well as to improve the quality of life; e.g.:
- Overstrain in everyday life with family, school, job, stress reduction,
- Burn-out syndrome
- Anxiety and phobias, trauma after accidents
- Depressive moods, nervousness, sleep disorders
- Concentration difficulties, test anxiety, learning blockades
- Headaches, psychosomatic complaints
- General health maintenance
- Food intolerances and weight loss
- Accompaniment during conventional medical treatment
- menopausal complaints, desire for children
Donna Eden
eden method – Eden Energy Medicine
Who is Donna Eden?
Donna Edenis a NY Times bestselling author, pioneer in the field of energy medicine. At the age of 27, Donna Eden began experimenting with her body’s energies to heal herself of multiple sclerosis. Now, more than 40 years later, she and her husband, David Feinstein, Ph.D., run the world’s largest school of energy medicine – and have trained more than 100,000 students (including doctors, nurses and other medical professionals).
The Energy Essentials Programm and the 1 hour free class on simple Techniques are a good start for you to experience the ‘eden method’.
There are now more than 1,400 certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners around the world.
As a certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner (EEM-CP) I am happy to bring the “eden method” to Switzerland and to accompany you on your path.
Why don’t you start now!
A few energy exercises from my blog.
Energy- / muscle test
Find clarity, develop potential, grow
In solution-oriented work, the energy-/muscle test helps us as a working tool and body feedback. It provides information about where energy flows and where blockages are present. We develop new ways to solve problems and integrate them.
My present for you
Contact me
Gesund von Innen - Eden Method, Kinesiologie & Klang
Gesundheit - Harmonie - Vitalität
Martina Zähner
+41 (0)79 411 00 82
Dennlerstrasse 36
8047 Zürich