Impressum / Disclaimer

Gesund von Innen
Praxis für ganzheitliche Gesundheit- und Energietherapie
Martina Zähner
Dennlerstr. 36
8047 Zürich
+41 (0) 79 411 00 82

Note: The exercises and practices shared by Gesund von Innen – Martina Zähner are not intended to replace care provided by licensed medical professionals. This work is considered complementary to regulated medical practices. By referring to the resources of Gesund von Innen – Martina Zähner, you agree to hold yourself accountable while releasing Gesund von Innen – Martina Zähner and associated persons from liability.

Liability for links:
References and links to third party websites are outside our responsibility Any responsibility for such websites is disclaimed. Access and use of such websites is at the user’s own risk.

Good to know:
Energy therapy treatment / kinesiology does not replace a medical diagnosis or treatment and no medication is prescribed or tested. However, the techniques offers complementary useful addition to conventional medical applications, or serve the health care, in that disease-causing patterns can be changed to the positive.
You are and remain responsible for your own personal well-being. Please inform your doctor or therapist about your energy therapy treatment.

All photos are from the following websites:
Unsplash (The internet’s source of freely usable images. Powered by creators everywhere).
Peter Hess Institute or from our own archives.

Contact me

Gesund von Innen - Eden Method, Kinesiologie & Klang
Gesundheit - Harmonie - Vitalität
Martina Zähner



+41 (0)79 411 00 82


Dennlerstrasse 36
8047 Zürich